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Comments, Suggestions, Complaints and Compliments

If you have any comments, suggestions or complaints, please speak to a member of staff. We welcome any general comments about the services we provide and any suggestions of ways in which we can improve our services to you.

We hope you don't ever feel the need to complain, but should the occasion arise, in the first instance you should speak to the pharmacist regarding your complaint so that your concerns can be dealt with locally if possible. However, if your complaint is not resolved to your satisfaction, the next step is to contact the Pharmaceutical Society of Northern Ireland. The PSNI is the regulatory body with whom all pharmacists who practice in NI must be registered. All pharmacies are likewise registered by them. They work closely with the DHSSPS who carry out regular inspections to help us ensure that all pharmacists adhere to a Code of Ethics and to the laws relating to medicines.


Complaints should be made as soon as possible after the event and can be made in one of the following ways:

  1. In writing to: 

         Complaints Manager, â€‹Pharmaceutical Society NI, 73 University Street, Belfast, BT7 1HL
  2. By email to: 

  3. By fax to: 

         (028) 90 439919
  4. By telephone: 

         (028) 90 326927


Please include the following details:

  • Your name and address

  • Daytime telephone number on which you may be contacted

  • Name and address of pharmacy / pharmacist concerned

  • Brief outline of your complaint

  • Date of the incident

  • Whether any harm has been caused

  • Any action you have taken to resolve the complaint


If your complaint is still not resolved to your satisfaction, and it is about medicines or services you received as a Health Service patient, you can also complain to the local Health and Social Care Board at the following address:


South Eastern Health and Social Care Board

2-22 Linenhall Street


Tel: (028) 90 321313


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